Harnessing Power of Artificial Intelligence in Surgery


  • Hira Ashraf Shalamar Hospital Lahore
  • Faisal Rafiq




artificial intelligence, machine learning, surgical robots


IMPORTANCE Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving significant changes in surgical planning and navigation. However, the potential role of AI in surgery still requires exploration. Available data shows a promising reduction in surgical trauma and improved patient recovery through the use of AI. AI has been a subject of speculation for many decades and research is still focused on the development of this field. Its use in surgery took a longer time than other specialties, however, the data is promising and points towards a revolution in surgical education, training and practice.


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How to Cite

Ashraf, H., & Rafiq, F. (2022). Harnessing Power of Artificial Intelligence in Surgery. Archives of Surgical Research, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.48111/2020.04.02