Enriching Operating Room Based Student Learning Experience: How should we structure it?
Operating Room, Operation Theater, Surgical Education, Learning Models, Koen's Model, BID Model, Apprenticeship Model, OMP, Lyon's ModelAbstract
IMPORTANCE The Operating Room (OR) is a high-pressure setting where multiple complex educational, and administrative facets interplay. The learning process, dictated by the operation list, is disparate, opportunistic, unstandardized, and at times suboptimal. Upon reviewing existing published literature regarding the learning experience in the OR setting, it was clear that this field is, to this day, unstructured and ambiguous, with many grey areas that need to be worked on. To achieve an optimized and enhanced theatre experience, it is of immense importance to recognize the pros and cons of available models that can be employed within this setting and deduce ways to improvise them into a most beneficial method. This study aims to recognize the role of a structured learning process for medical graduates in the setting of the OR. The study also explores pertinent questions; whether the learning models currently being used for residents are appropriate for medical graduates and how must we structure learning activities within OR settings.
METHODOLOGY The study involved an extensive literature review and thematic analysis to generate themes and subthemes, which were subjected to a modified Delphi technique where residents and teachers participated to identify debate and produce a consensus on the relative importance of each method when employed in Operation Theater based learning.
RESULTS While structured learning is essentially goal-oriented, student-friendly, and time-saving and provides qualitative outcomes, it, however, has drawbacks owing to a lack of faculty and resources. Various potential problems in the implementation of a structured learning process were identified and components in making the structured learning meaningful were formulated. The models each have their potential advantages and disadvantages when implemented in the OR for learning.
CONCLUSIONS Structured learning process within the OR setting should at least cover the minimum standards that a graduate essentially requires. It should be a balanced program according to the specialty. However, the quality of evidence to substantiate these aspects remains contextual with low external validity and generalizability.
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