Hiatal Hernia with Volvulus of Stomach: Classical Scenario


  • Fatima Jamil Shalamar Medical And Dental College
  • Talat Waseem Shalamar Medical And Dental College


Volvulus of stomach, Hiatal hernia, Surgical Repair


Gastric volvulus is defined as the abnormal rotation of the stomach. It can present as an emergency or as a chronic intermittent problem. It is a rare entity and is rarely encountered, hence making its diagnosis difficult. We present a case of a 45-year-old lady who presented to the hospital with dysphagia and chronic heartburn. She was on proton pump inhibitors for heartburn but had minimal to no relief in symptoms. An abdominothoracic CT revealed mesenteroaxial rotation of the body of the stomach with the distal part of the stomach lying in thoracic cavity. After initial diagnostic evaluation accompanied with medical and anesthetic risk assessment patient was prepared for laparotomy. A midline laparotomy was performed with detorsion of the stomach and transhiatal hernia repair along with Hill Procedure. Patient remained stable post-operatively and was discharged on the 6th post-operative day. Two months after the operation patient remained asymptomatic.



2020-03-30 — Updated on 2020-03-30


How to Cite

Jamil, F., & Waseem, T. (2020). Hiatal Hernia with Volvulus of Stomach: Classical Scenario. Archives of Surgical Research, 1(1), 61-63. Retrieved from http://archivessr.com/index.php/asr/article/view/80



Case Report