Emergency Management of Difficult Airway in Covid-19 Patient with Carcinoma Larynx


  • Aamir Bashir Shalamar Medical & Dental College Lahore
  • Muhammad Naveed Azhar Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Center Lahore




Difficult Airway, Carcinoma Larynx, Covid-19


IMPORTANCE COVID-19 patients with airway tumors and requiring emergency airway management pose a significant challenge to anesthetists. This requires the use of advanced airway skills and instruments keeping in view the risk of cross-infection and aerosolization in covid-19 patients. We are presenting a case of 64 years old male patient with significant medical co-morbid conditions and carcinoma Larynx who presented in the emergency department of a tertiary care cancer hospital with worsening respiratory symptoms and came out to be COVID-19 positive. He was planned for mechanical ventilation and considering the anticipated difficult airway, was moved to the operating room for airway management. All the protective measures in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE) were adopted for all the dealing staff members in a designated operating room. He was successfully intubated with McGrath Video Laryngoscope and tracheotomy was avoided. This case highlights the importance of collaborative decision making, careful planning, and teamwork for the management of “Difficult Airway” in laryngeal tumor patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Bashir, A., & Azhar, M. N. (2021). Emergency Management of Difficult Airway in Covid-19 Patient with Carcinoma Larynx. Archives of Surgical Research, 2(2), 68-69. https://doi.org/10.48111/2021.02.13



Case Report