Editorial & Peer Review Process
Editorial and Peer Review Processes Generally Follow These Steps:
- We follow and request from authors, reviewers and editors the "ICJME Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals". Editorial reviewer policy is independent of an financial, academic or any other interest.
- When an article is submitted to Archives of Surgical Research, Editor makes the first check of submitted articles (structure, plagiarism, scientific quality).
- Article may be rejected, sent back for structural revision, or sent to at least two reviewers for peer review.
- After peer review process, articles may be rejected, sent back for revision requested by reviewers or accepted for publication.
- Revised articles by authors may be accepted, resent to reviewers, resent to authors for additional corrections/revision or rejected.
- Authors could not see reviewers’ information. Editor may make authors’ information available to reviewers or not.
- Accepted articles are forwarded to publishing process.
- Editor(s) may require additional materials or changes from authors during copy editing, composing, grammatical editing and/or proof reading steps.
- A fast track review system is in place upon deposition of additional prcessing fee (Rs. 20,000), however we do not encourage such route and should be employed only in significant circumstances. Moreover, this does not ensure that manuscript if accepted would be published on priority.
- Post-publication review and peer review is encourged and is managed through letter to the editors.